Sunday, July 16, 2023


 Storytelling Blog Share

For my blog share this week, I will be highlighting the resources of The Trapped LibrarianI found this blog to be especially helpful for media specialists in elementary schools.  

    Laura Trapp the author of this blog, has been an elementary school librarian for 18 years and an elementary school teacher for 9 years.  She provides a wealth of knowledge on all things related to library programming, managing library collections, and supporting the needs of students.  I found her blog to be very user friendly and easily accessible for the information that I was seeking.

Benefits of Musical Storytime

    I selected the story time category listed on the word wall of the page and was presented with several articles about different story time themes.  I found the article about the benefits of musical story time very interesting because we have also been studying this concept in our storytelling class.  Beginning the class with a brain break, such as a musical song, helps students get out their "wiggles."  After the brain break, younger students are better prepared to settle down and listen to a story.  I have a musical background, so I really enjoy seeing examples of incorporating music into the library story time.  Trapp (2022) highlights that a consistent song to open the library session increases engagement of the students because they know what to expect when they come to story time.  

    The blog highlights different themes, book selections and activities around the months or holidays.  I found this especially beneficial for planning purposes.  I have many ideas that I would like to incorporate into my future role as a school librarian.  Trapp's blog showed me a better way to organize those ideas and provided me with newer ideas to use in the library.  For example, Trapp's (2022) May post was centered around wrapping up the end of the school year and keeping the students engaged.  She gives ideas for promoting summer reading, especially with 3rd - 5th grade students.




    I am currently taking the MLIS course, Information and Organization Access.  We are learning about the various cataloging methods, information retrieval and encoding.  With all my coursework, I envision how I will utilize that information in my future role.  Trapp (2021) shares a blog regarding teaching elementary students how to use the cataloging systems and the importance of teaching those systems to students.  Trapp (2021) builds the framework with kindergarten students and builds upon this knowledge each year.  She provides (for a fee) a bundle of resources to use with students that are 11 themed units regarding the card catalog system.  A program like this maybe worth pursuing because it not only teaches the students how to locate the resources they desire but also gives them the independence to use the library effectively.  

Why Your Elementary Students Need Library Catalog Practice


    As future librarians, the need for advocacy for the library has been impressed upon us.  We must be ready to advocate for funding to provide the services and resources that meet the needs of our communities.  Trapp's blog creates an entire section related to advocacy for libraries.  One part of that advocacy is collaboration within the schools with the administration and classroom teachers.  Trapp's (2022) article provides librarians with ideas for more collaboration with administrators and teachers.  



    I thoroughly enjoyed the knowledge that I garnered through researching the blog, The Trapped Librarian.  This blog provided me with many opportunities to envision ideas that I want to use in my future school library.  I am excited about incorporating music into the library program.  Not all students learn the same way, by incorporating music, I maybe able to reach another sector of students.  Also, the application of tools to teach cataloging helped me immensely with programs I can utilize to teach these concepts.  I highly suggest checking out The Trapped Librarian!


Trapp, L. (n.d.). The trapped librarian. The Trapped Librarian.

Trapp, L. (2020, August 3). The benefits of musical storytime in the library. The Trapped Librarian.

Trapp, L. (2022, May 18). May library lessons. The Trapped Librarian.

Trapp, L. (2022, November 14). Why your students need library catalog practice. The Trapped Librarian.

Trapp, L. (2020, June 22). More ideas for collaboration in the school library. The Trapped Librarian.

Selected Readings for the Week

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica, your blog share is well written and thought provoking. I like all of the visuals that you used. I can tell that you really invested a great deal of time into this assignment. It really shows how creative, and hard working you are. Great work, Jessica!


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