Monday, September 16, 2024

Information Literacy and Student Learning 

My personal daily information diet consists of news sources, social media and job related updates.  I listen to a 15 minute podcast each morning which provides me with a quick recap of popular news.  I utilize social media tools during the day to keep in touch with friends and family members.  In addition, I found myself readily fact checking the most recent presidential debate, which provided me with additional, current information during the debate.  I also utilize Instagram and Facebook for networking with other librarians and kindergarten teachers.  I have found these resources to be invaluable with lesson planning, behavior management and classroom management.  The school that I work in provides us with daily updates through emails.  Also, the administration keeps us abreast with policy changes to education within the state.  These policy changes typically spur me to conduct further research on my own.  In the classroom, we utilize Sora and PebbleGo with students, which were two technological resources referenced in the American Association of School Librarians’ (AASL) article (2024) on the Best Digital Tools for Teaching & Learning.  

Through the module readings this week, I recognize that a librarian’s informational diet should consist of keeping abreast of current technology trends and utilizing these resources to educate students.  I bookmarked several of the resources from this module as reference tools for my future role as a librarian. I found Google’s Be Internet Awesome (2024) website and videos to be especially helpful. A librarian educator has a responsibility with educating our students to become digital literate and to ultimately provide them with the tools to keep them safe while online. It is an interactive website that students can engage with learning about tools and resources which keep them safe in our digital world.  

In addition to digital resources, librarians must keep abreast of current trends in students’ and coworkers’ interest with reading materials (All4Ed, n.d.). All students should be able to find representation within the public school library.  To help with this, librarians should readily be perusing book award winners,, social media platforms and cross checking these platforms with verifiable journals, like the School Library Journal


All4Ed. (n.d.). Future ready librarians framework.

American Association of School Librarians. (2024). Best digital tools for teaching & learning.

Google. (2024) Be internet awesome.

Fun Creations with Microsoft Designer

I have a husky dog with a fun personality and I wanted to see her as a rapper.  :-) 

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Information Literacy and Student Learning  My personal daily information diet consists of news sources, social media and job related updates...